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Conclusions7 (MetaOpinion™)
Unlike many other cancer types, colorectal cancer is largely preventable if caught in an early, premalignant stage. Routine colonoscopy, supplemented by sigmoidoscopy and tests that look for blood in the feces, can detect the presence of many premalignant lesions before they become dangerous. People over age 50 and anyone with a family history of CRC should discuss screening options with their physicians.

For patients diagnosed with CRC, new treatments that capitalize on advances in our understanding of the molecular basis of cancer are changing the treatment landscape. Therapies that block the growth of tumor blood vessels are part of a new generation of cancer treatments that should offer hope and optimism to CRC patients.

As evidenced by the information provided in this section, clinical trials are critical for evaluating new cancer therapies. Trials also provide cancer patients with the best opportunities to access cutting edge treatments, while also contributing to the advancement of medical knowledge that can benefit future generations.


Last updated March 1, 2012